Making The Homecare Decision

Making The Homecare Decision

It’s difficult, sometimes, to know when the moment has come to ask for outside help.  For many this future planning is accompanied by the difficult realization that a loved one is struggling with activities of day-to-day life. The challenges that accompany...
Ontario Health Integrations

Ontario Health Integrations

Time to Break the Silos: Transforming Ontario’s Healthcare Future  At the Home Care Ontario Symposium in late November, Matthew Anderson, CEO of Ontario Health, articulated a profound challenge facing our healthcare system. “We know that funding for...
Managing and Preventing Falls

Managing and Preventing Falls

I get up, I fall down, all the while I am dancing.  ~ Martha Graham  Gravity, goes a familiar one-liner, is always bringing me down, a statement that brings a much-needed moment of levity for those of us with mobility issues who are most intimately...